MTV was first established New York City on August 1, 1981. The original purpose is to publish music videos guided by on air hosts such as VJs. MTV has used on impact on the music industry and popular culture. The concept of MTV was popularized sue to the idea of a dedicated video based outlet for music was introduced for both artists and fans. MTV’s moral influence on young people includes issues related to censorship and social activism has been a subject of debate for years. MTV focus more on non music programming has been contested relentlessly since 1990’s demonstrates the channel’s previous impact on popular culture. MTV plays music videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week guided by video jockeys and several spinoff channels. Videos can be played on demand at their website as well. MTV’s format after top 40 radios was hired to host the network’s programming and to introduce videos being played. Many VJS involved became celebrities in their own right. A large number of rock bands and performers of the 1980s were made popular by MTV such acts range from new generations of hard rock and heavy metal bands such as culture club and prince. Besides music videos, MTV expand programmes to centrepiece its programming. MTV present a variety of non music related television shows aimed primarily at 12 to 18 year old demographic. MTV video music awards show is used to develop into a music industry showcase marketed as a more relevant youth targeted antipode to other award shows. MTV’s award show with similar success also creates it success across Europe. MTV is widely considered as the first television network to develop its brand with an unified vocabulary, Voice and visual identity. MTV’s logo from the large M to the graffiti style superimposed and quickly became instantly recognizable in popular culture. This therefore created change for the evolution to MTV’s iconic image and branding of the network. MTV have spread its popular culture for 30 years become an iconic channel to become the centre of the ongoing debate over the cultural and moral influence of music and television on young people and society. The channel also found itself criticism by various groups about programmes, social issues, political correctness, sensitivity and moral influence on young people. Beyond MTV it has distributed to many additional properties beyond the channel to other sister channels in the US, from the satellite television to HD channels such as Palladian and MTV Hits/Jams. MTV have also created a website in order to experiment and create a new voice of recognition. The service has brought additional content towards society and new divisions of the company. expands the channel’s broadcasts by showing content to its viewers and service supported by commercials. This promoted advertising and announces digitalisation such as cell phone, ipad, computers and other digital devices.
MTV’s target audience consists of young adults of 12-24 year olds including the website. MTV is a highly rated network in most other demos. Therefore the median target audience says around 21 to increase potential. The network mostly focuses on youth with new shows, good ratings and endless potential deals. MTV offers advertising packages to MTV2, allowing credit and availability, which targets slightly more male and also contains its promotional deals with comedy central, VH1 and UPN. However MTV faces challenges with media buyers upfront. Its current line-up is heavily on female targeted programmes while trying to balance male and female viewers. The network is constantly burning through programmes through and uneasy sense making MTV feel responsible for their own actions and obligations towards society. And finally MTV have a long social, political and environmental activism in young people.
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