Thursday, 20 October 2011

Antonio Gramsci

Research Theorist- Antonio Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci theorised hegemony, which shows the media encouraging people to consent status through powerful structures. Antonio was a Marxist social philosopher who lived in Italy. Because he was a Marxist he also theorised that societies must transform over time from economic systems to more liberating ones until society reaches state of communism.
The Marxist also believed that capitalism was an oppositional economic system due to the unequal distribution of wealth among few powerful people and he believed that eventually the masses would overthrow capitalism and move to less oppressive system. The system would overthrow economic systems.                                        
According to his theory the public can’t maintain power from these systems alone. People would have to take control in order to keep the powerful people on top. Everyday behaviours keep society powerful such as being patriotic and celebrating the country’s pride and dedication. Gramsci also believed that the media had a key role in teaching people to do things in their everyday lives that support power towards society. People in the present would consider the media support through power structures such as society, capitalism and patriarchy.                                                                                                            
Gramsci also created a counter hegemonic theory that it questioned traditional roles of characters and themes. His theories have become an important role of discipline and distribution around the world. This concept had contributed a valuable vocabulary for discussing the relationship between media and societal power.
Overall our group believes that the theory will work well with our music video because our ideas linked to contrast of power and dominance allowing a stronger and disciplined structure. This will also provide political views over the arguments of the lower and higher classes towards society and government. 

Marxism Theory Research

‘Karl Henry Marx’ - Marxism Theory

Marxism is an economic and sociopolitical worldview and method of socioeconomic inquiry that centers upon a materialist interpretation on history, a dialectical view of social change, and an analysis and critique of the development of capitalist
Marxism, economic and political philosophy named for Karl Marx. It is also known as scientific socialism. Marxism has had a profound impact on contemporary culture; modern communism is based on it, and most modern socialist theories derive from it. It has also had tremendous effect on academia, influencing disciplines from economics to philosophy and literary history.
Marxism’s basic principles are that the working class population, in a capitalist regime are oppressed by the upper class, bourgeoisie who maintain power and authority even though, the dominant ideology of a capitalist culture is that even a working class man, from an economically challenged family can ‘rise up’ to become a wealthier person.
The history of Marxism, and the impact over time
The first impact of Marxism was felt in continental Europe. By the late 19th century, through the influence of the international, it had permeated the European trade union movement, and the major socialist parties were committed to it in theory if not in practice.

The success of the revolutionary socialists in the Russian Revolution and the establishment of an authoritarian Communist state in Russia split the movement irrevocably. In disassociating themselves from dictatorial Russian Communism, many of the democratic socialist parties also moved slowly away from Marxist theory.


Karl Marx believed that the common calling of the people, and the hatred for the unfair capitalist regime would enable an uprising, a revolt against the, institutions and against the upper classes in society. They would break free from the chains of oppress and create a ‘fairer’ communist state of equality and peace.
In the music video we will be creating we will use and demonstrate elements of the theory for example the referencing and symbolism of the variety of shots of consumers shopping. This is a direct link with the capitalist regime and the passive nature of people buying goods in order to oppress themselves. Also the representation through the Mise en Scene, the different camera angles and shots, and the separate editing techniques used to differentiate the Working class characters to the Upper class.  

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Storyboard - First Draft: Initial Idea


Muse - 'Uprising' Research

Muse Research
Muse are an English alternative rock band from Teignmouth, Devon, formed in 1994. The band consists of school friends Matthew Belmany (lead vocals, guitars, piano, keyboards, keytar), Christopher Woodstenholme (bass, backing vocals, keyboards, guitars, harmonica) and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion, synthesisers, sampling, harmtar). Uprising is a song by English rock band Muse, featured on their fifth studio album The Resistance, in which they wrote our choosen song, 'Uprising'. The song was released as the Lead single from the album on 7 September 2009. The title "Uprising" was first revealed on 3 July 2009, when the album's track listing was released on the band's Twitter page; the song was unveiled as the opening track of the album, preceding the title track "Resistance".

Early Muse songs' lyrics dealt with introspective themes, such as relationships, juvenile alienation, and difficulties they had encountered while trying to establish themselves in their hometown. However, with the band's progress, their song concepts have become more ambitious, addressing issues such as the fear of the evolution of technology, in their Origin of Symmetry  album. They deal with the apocalypse and catastrophic conflicts, in Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations respectively, and with a worldwide revolution in The Resistance album. This demostrates a progression for thier lyrical content and hidden messages as they move up in the world of music so does thier exploration of wider themes. For thier first Ablum they concertrated on thier own issues and problems and addressed them as a personal aspect, however as they moved up they included theme's which affected people on a global scale such as the 'Fear of the Proliferation of society' and the oppression of the working class proletariat in thier latest albumn 'The resistance'. 

Prezi - Muse 'Uprising'

This my Prezi Presentation, explaining our reasoning for choosing this particular song.

Why we choose 'Uprising' by Muse

The reason why I choose the song, Muse ‘Uprising’ to create, produce and publish a music video to is because the song has deeper and wider issues than the face value of the lyrics and visual stimulate.  ‘Uprising’ is about class conflict in society and the inequalities communities face within a capitalist regime of greed and wealth. This links into the popular German Sociologist, Karl Marx, who developed the socio-political theory of Marxism. It refers to the inevitable uprising of the common people through a common cause to gain equality. Our ideas of using multiple shots of shopping centres and shops link into the capitalist regime and ideas and further emerges the audience to the concepts and ideas. Symbolism plays an important role in our music video and will help conceptualise big concepts. 

MTV Research

MTV was first established New York City on August 1, 1981. The original purpose is to publish music videos guided by on air hosts such as VJs. MTV has used on impact on the music industry and popular culture. The concept of MTV was popularized sue to the idea of a dedicated video based outlet for music was introduced for both artists and fans. MTV’s moral influence on young people includes issues related to censorship and social activism has been a subject of debate for years. MTV focus more on non music programming has been contested relentlessly since 1990’s demonstrates the channel’s previous impact on popular culture. MTV plays music videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week guided by video jockeys and several spinoff channels. Videos can be played on demand at their website as well.  MTV’s format after top 40 radios was hired to host the network’s programming and to introduce videos being played. Many VJS involved became celebrities in their own right. A large number of rock bands and performers of the 1980s were made popular by MTV such acts range from new generations of hard rock and heavy metal bands such as culture club and prince. Besides music videos, MTV expand programmes to centrepiece its programming. MTV present a variety of non music related television shows aimed primarily at 12 to 18 year old demographic. MTV video music awards show is used to develop into a music industry showcase marketed as a more relevant youth targeted antipode to other award shows. MTV’s award show with similar success also creates it success across Europe.  MTV is widely considered as the first television network to develop its brand with an unified vocabulary, Voice and visual identity. MTV’s logo from the large M to the graffiti style superimposed and quickly became instantly recognizable in popular culture.  This therefore created change for the evolution to MTV’s iconic image and branding of the network. MTV have spread its popular culture for 30 years become an iconic channel to become the centre of the ongoing debate over the cultural and moral influence of music and television on young people and society. The channel also found itself criticism by various groups about programmes, social issues, political correctness, sensitivity and moral influence on young people. Beyond MTV it has distributed to many additional properties beyond the channel to other sister channels in the US, from the satellite television to HD channels such as Palladian and MTV Hits/Jams.  MTV have also created a website in order to experiment and create a new voice of recognition. The service has brought additional content towards society and new divisions of the company. expands the channel’s broadcasts by showing content to its viewers and service supported by commercials. This promoted advertising and announces digitalisation such as cell phone, ipad, computers and other digital devices.
  MTV’s target audience consists of young adults of 12-24 year olds including the website. MTV is a highly rated network in most other demos.  Therefore the median target audience says around 21 to increase potential. The network mostly focuses on youth with new shows, good ratings and endless potential deals. MTV offers advertising packages to MTV2, allowing credit and availability, which targets slightly more male and also contains its promotional deals with comedy central, VH1 and UPN. However MTV faces challenges with media buyers upfront. Its current line-up is heavily on female targeted programmes while trying to balance male and female viewers. The network is constantly burning through programmes through and uneasy sense making MTV feel responsible for their own actions and obligations towards society. And finally MTV have a long social, political and environmental activism in  young people.

Shot List

Shot Number
Type of Shot
Medium Shot- Flag
The flag represents hope and justice, therefore the medium shot is used to make it different groups. This is linked to being different towards society.
Long Shot- Rebellious gang
The long shot is used to represent community and teamwork making it show resistance and contrast of upper and lower classes.
Montage- Long, medium and close up- Band members
Band are represented as leaders of the resistance making them show power and dominance, they express their own beliefs and views in a democratic and independent value.
Medium Shot- Smoker
Shot is used to represent smoker as an opposite- linked to Levi Strauss’s theory of binary oppositions, this makes the audience surprised and feel unusual with unsuspecting change. 
Close up- Cigarette
Close up of cigarette represents it as a tool of destruction and demise towards our society. This enforces the rebellious and argumentative atmosphere. This can make audience members feel very patriotic and feel proud for others expressing their values and beliefs.
Medium Shot- Smoke
The medium shot is used to represent the smoke as mysterious and unravelling which creates confusion for the audience.
Medium Shot-Person with the Baseball Bat
The medium shot of the person with the baseball bat is represented as strength and masculinity showing a sense of pride and anger from the lower class against the upper class. This creates a greater contrast and challenges stereotypical views of class.
Medium Shot- Person with baseball bat swinging against the object
Object represented as upper classes’ material possession showing destruction of hopes and dreams for the upper class of society. This therefore makes the audience feel scared and intimidated by the fact that the lower class has started an alliance against the upper people.
Multi Shots- Band consisting of extreme close up, medium shot and long shot
Montage of shots represents the band as powerful and strong therefore re strengthening the image and dominance. Band members also create fear for the audience because it breaks their typical life boundaries. 
Medium shot- Baseball bat
Baseball bat is representing as weapon of destruction and threat to society. This therefore causes society to feel weak and lose their links between members. The baseball bat is represented as a catalyst of damage. 
Medium Shot- Person swinging baseball bat
The medium shot is used to represent person associated with baseball bat therefore re establishing the independence and open minded lower class.
Close Up- Object broken
The close up of the object represents the destruction of the object in a more emotional and dignified form. This therefore represents the breakdown of the upper class’s image.
Close up- Singer
The close up of the singer combined with the lyrics makes the atmosphere very climatic and chronic. Therefore the audience feels worried about the fate of society.
Over the shoulder- Person observing table
The shot clearly shows stereotypical lower class’s associations of drugs which makes the contrast reinforced.
POV shot- CCTV camera viewing
The CCTV makes it more realistic and link to events which show memorial aspects. The CCTV also represents as an observer of crime which also links to society’s security.
Tilt Angle and Medium shot- Policeman
The shot of the policeman is used to represent the upper class’s defence and security showing few independent values. This therefore begins the upper classes power.
Multi Shots consisting of medium and long shots- Band members
The montage of medium and long shots make it an unstable and loud background. This therefore challenges the upper class and starts a war of the classes.
Tilt angle and close up- Man with suit
The close up and tilt of the suitman makes him feel more dominant and power due to his sophistication and formal attitude. This also challenges the level of intelligence between the contrasts of classes.
High angle, Pan shot- Hanley shopping centre
The shots of Hanley shopping centre is used to represent community and regular society. This therefore calms the audience which provides them the ideal society.
Long Shot- Person exiting shop
The shot of the person existing creates mystery and confusion for the audience. Therefore the person can be representing as a potential threat due to his unidentified profile.
Close up- Suitman
The suit man’s close up is used to re establish his intelligence and formal ability.
Close up- Rebellious Group
The group are represented as members of the resistance making it very informal and powerful background. Therefore the group can also establish a relationship between the audience members due to similar class or status.
Two Shot- Between shaking hands
The two men shaking hands show relationship and cause shock to the audience that although the two men show a different contrast of classes. They still have connections with each other which help the audience members to feel very connected.
Medium Shot- Between two men with the flag in the middle
The flag is represented as pride and community, therefore creating the relationship of classes making them feel together and joined as a big group.
Long Shot- Man breaks into car
This uses aspects of stereotypical vandalism from the lower class which still reconciles the contrast of class. However this doesn’t create new beliefs for the rebellious resistance which makes the audience members feel not surprised. They expect this sort of behaviour from poorer families.
Close up- Cymbal from Drum kit
The close up of the cymbal makes the atmosphere feel very strong and creates echos across to the audience. This therefore also echos the rebels’ message of redemption and retribution. 
Over the shoulder shot- Drummer
The shot of the drummer represents his views between his and their class. Therefore creating a stronger independent value for the drummer. He’s also represented as the power and might the lower social class have against the upper class.
POV- Person driving car
The shot of the person driving the car is used to make the lower feel bright and intelligent due to the use of mechanical objects and technologically. This also shows the lower class having a part of the upper class’s intelligence which challenges the stereotypical views.
Long shot- Car impact on another person
The long shot represents the car crash as shock and horror for the audience making the audience feel horrified and mortified of the death of the male character. This, therefore, is used to represent the development of the upper classes’ downfall.
POV- Driver
The driver’s POV is used to represent the twisted and maniacal opinions of the lower classes opinions. This also uses the stereotypical criminal character which makes the lower class represented as villains.
Long Shot- Person’s death
The long shot is used to represent again the person’s death making the audience feel very unrelieved and unsuccessful due to the upper classes’ pain.
Medium Shot- Group of youthful criminals
The medium shot is used to represent the criminals as powerful and traditionally disrespectful against society.
Close up- Guitarist
The close up is used to represent the guitarist as insensitive and unusual due to his loud and echoing music. This also catalyses the conclusion to the contrast of the classes.
Extreme close up- Foot slams on ground
The extreme close up of the foot is used to represent the atmosphere as a conclusive ending. Therefore this causes the audience to feel disrespected and appalled with the amount of refusal from the lower class.
Two Shot-/ Close up- Two hooded Men
The two shot of the male characters represent them as team working and loyal to their class. This therefore shows to the audience that they need to join together and make the final stand.
Medium Shot- The two men fight against the formal male character
The medium shot is used to represent it as the final devastation to the upper class by eliminating the intellectual and representative characters of their social community.
(Fades to Darkness)
This is used to represent the upper classes’ destruction of neurological beliefs. The happiness and security of the upper class has been destroyed and been replenished by the lower classes ideas.
Long Shot- Formal male’s death
The shot of the male’s death reinforces the fading of darkness’s representation in order to provide a knockback effect for the audience.
POV- Formal male’s eye, irises shot
The POV shows the upper class’s emotions and sadness. This makes audience members feel very broken and deeply scared due to the spread of the lower class.
Long Shot- Band
The shot of the band is used to represent the conclusion of the classes and to make their message very clear and loud. This is a similar technique compared to the close up of the singer and drummer.
Extreme close up- Flag
The final shot is then used to represent the lower classes triumph and victory over society. But however this also symbolises an never-ending story therefore maintain the flow of contrast between the lower classes’ rebellious values and the upper classes’ intellectual icons.